It’s around this time of year that many people take stock not only of their lives and health but also their homes. Along with self-improvement there is an emphasis on de-cluttering, organizing and tackling that long awaited home project.
At ‘elle design’ we receive many calls in Spring in that regard and we welcome the opportunity to initiate projects for existing and new clients. They range from from refreshing an existing space through décor changes to full-blown renovations and additions. Some big, some small. Some seemingly straightforward to some complex and involved. We love ‘em all!
Here are some ways to give your home a fresh start this year:
Give a purpose to an existing unused space.
Need a music room? Craft space? Home office? Carve out a corner of a large space or dedicate an entire room to your needs.
Heck, it’s real estate you already have so make the most of it.
We adored creating the craft area and a music room for one of our favourite clients here in Calgary.
Add built-ins to make your life easier.
Let’s face it: we all need more storage. But storage for storage sake is not always best. Give some thought to what and how much you need to store. Consider size, and shape, and find a spot where it’s best to keep it.
Millwork built to accommodate your specific needs is always money well spent.
the ‘landing pad’
This mudroom project in Calgary by elle design was designed to fit in as much function into a small space as possible. The client was thrilled with the new landing zone and increased closed door storage.
Treat yourself:
The master bedroom often is the last room in a home to be ‘finished” and it’s left behind because it’s not a ‘public’ space. If you close the door, you can forget its even there.
However, where you lay your weary head at night is one of the most important spaces in a home. It’s where you gather yourself together in the morning to face the world and shut that same world out at night to rejuvenate yourself.
You deserve a refuge from the fray.
We love these master bedrooms that we took from plain Jane (no offense to all the Jane’s out there) to restful retreats
Contact us if you have an unloved or underused space in your home that we can help transform to ease your daily life. We’d love to hear from you!